How to Move Desktop Files and Folders Into Google Drive

Last week I received a question from a reader who was looking for a little help organizing all of the files that she had created and stored on her computer. My suggestion was to organize the files into folders then upload those folders into Google Drive. Once the folders are in Google Drive they can be accessed from any computer. The process of uploading folders into Google Drive is a straight-forward one. In the following video I demonstrate how to move folders and individual files from your computer to your Google Drive account. 

I organize my files into a handful of big folders according to units that I teach throughout the year. I don’t do this, but some people that I’ve worked with create sub-folders with unit folders. Those sub-folders are then labeled with things like “quizzes” or “group projects.” The structure that you use for folders isn’t as critical as it used to be because you can always use the search function with Google Drive to search for the file you need (as long as you can remember what you called it). 


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