Best Job Ever – National Geographic Stories About Interesting Jobs

National Geographic’s YouTube channel is one of my favorites because of the variety of interesting playlists it offers. One of  those playlist is called Best Job Ever. The playlist features short stories about people who have interesting jobs that are primarily in the outdoors. These are primarily jobs incorporating some kind of conservation and or awareness missions.

National Geographic Kids also has a playlist called Best Job Ever. It’s much like the Best Job Ever playlist on the main National Geographic channel. The difference is the that content is tailored to an elementary school audience. 

Applications for Education
These videos, particularly the ones from Nat Geo Kids, could be good for helping students discover that there are careers and jobs that don’t fit in the typical “career guidance” books. I’d consider using these videos as a jumping-off point to have students do some more research into the jobs that interest them that are featured in the playlists. 

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