Two “Cool” Ed Tech Guys Take Questions & Share Cool Stuff – Episode 26!

Every week Rushton Hurley and I host Two Ed Tech Guys Take Questions and Share Cool Stuff. During the most recent episode someone suggested that it should be “Two Cool Ed Tech Guys.” We appreciate the compliment, but we’re not that cool 🙂 

The recording of episode 26 is now available to view here or as embedded below. The resources that we shared during the broadcast can be found here on the Next Vista for Learning webinars page. We’d love to have you join us for the next episode which is this coming Thursday at 4pm ET/ 1pm PT. Register here

One of my “cool shares” in episode 26 was this video of Tommy Shaw (lead singer for the band Styx) and the Cleveland Area Contemporary Youth Orchestra. It’s an unlikely pairing, but a cool one. 


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