How to Record a Video in PowerPoint (Windows Desktop Version)

A couple of weeks ago I published directions for simultaneously captioning and translating PowerPoint presentations. That’s one of many handy, occasionally overlooked, features that is built into PowerPoint. Video recording is another helpful feature built into PowerPoint. 

The built-in video recording tool in PowerPoint let’s you record yourself talking over any and all of your slides. You can have your webcam turned on or off when recording. (I prefer to leave my webcam on when recording a screen because it personalizes the video). You can also use some built-in drawing tools to draw on your slide while talking and recording. Perhaps the best feature of all for some people will be the option to see your speaker notes while recording without the speaker notes showing up in the video. 

Videos that you record in PowerPoint are automatically inserted into your presentation. When you share your slides, viewers can watch the videos you’ve added into your presentation.

In my new video that is embedded below I demonstrate how to record a video in PowerPoint

Applications for Education
This is obviously a good tool for making instructional videos for your students to watch. I’d also consider having students use the built-in recording tool in PowerPoint to create short videos of their presentations. The drawing tools that are available could be good for having students explain their math or for having them annotate a chunk of text on a slide or highlight parts of a diagram in a slide. 

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