ICYMI – Two EdTech Guys Take Questions & Share Cool Stuff

Every Thursday afternoon I join Rushton Hurley from Next Vista for Learning to answer questions from teachers, librarians, and tech coaches like you. We call these free webinars Two EdTech Guys Take Questions and Share Cool Stuff. We have fun doing and I hope that you’ll join us for the next one

You can see the recording of the latest episode right here or as embedded below. If you go to the recordings page on Next Vista for Learning you can access all of the links and slides that were used during the webinar. 

In the episode we covered questions on the following topics:
  • Copyright and Fair Use
  • How to spend $10,000
  • Music for classroom projects
  • G Suite/ Google Workspaces Admin
  • Alternatives to Swivl
  • Gauging the mood of hybrid and online classes.

Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!