How to Use Jamboard in Google Classroom

Earlier this week I answered a question from a reader who wanted to know if it was possible to share Google Jamboard drawings through Google Classroom. The answer is yes. Just about anything in your Google Drive can be shared through Google Classroom. The bigger question is, “can it be shared with copies made for each student?” In the case of Jamboard, the answer is also yes. That’s what I demonstrate in my new video that is embedded below.

Applications for Education

In yesterday’s episode of Two Ed Tech Guys Take Questions & Share Cool Stuff I explained that I used Jamboard in my classroom to have students create network diagrams and share those diagrams with me. I created the framework of the diagrams in Jamboard then used the “make a copy for each student” option in Google Classroom so that my students could complete the diagrams as needed without impacting their classmates’ work.


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