How to Change Google Drive Comment Notifications

On Monday I shared directions for using Google Drive to comment on shared videos. Yesterday, I received a follow-up question from a reader who wanted to know if students would receive a notification when he replies to his students’ comments on a video. Provided that students haven’t disabled notifications, they will receive a notification when replies to their comments are published. That raises the question, “how do you change comment notifications in Google Drive?”

You can change the default comment notifications for file across your Google Drive. You can also change the comment notification settings for individual files within your Google account. In the following video I demonstrate how to do both of those things.

If you’re sharing a lot of files for commenting in Google Drive, you might want to change the default notifications so that you’re inundated with email and or browser notifications. If you have a particularly important document and you want to make sure you never miss a notification, change the default notification setting for that document.


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