The Week in Review – The Most Popular Posts

Good morning from Maine where it is a cool and overcast start to the Fourth of July. It has rained almost all week and that’s okay because we needed the rain. I also didn’t mind the rain because I was inside all week working on a big project. Now that the weekend is here, I plan to relax a bit and I hope that you do too.

Next week I’m hosting the second session of the Practical Ed Tech Virtual Summer Camp. If you’d like to join us, there is still time to register.

These were the most popular posts of the week:
1. 7 New Google Meet Features for Teachers
2. 5 Google Classroom Features You Might Have Overlooked or Forgotten
3. How to Work With PDFs in Google Classroom
4. How to Turn PowerPoint and Google Slides Into Narrated Videos
5. How to Record a Screencast With Flipgrid
6. An Easy Way to Overlay Historical Maps on Google Earth
7. Use Whiteboards in Google Meet Without Screensharing

Two PD Opportunities in July
The Practical Ed Tech Virtual Summer Camp will be held two more times this summer. Register here for the July session of your choice.

In two weeks I’ll be hosting Teaching History With Technology. This is a five part course designed to help you develop new ways to create engaging history lessons and projects. Register now and use the discount code THWT2020.

This summer I’m working with a handful of schools and organizations to develop online professional development for teachers. If you’d like to work with me, please send me a note at richardbyrne (at) to learn more about how we can work together.

Thank You for Your Support!

Other Places to Follow My Work
Besides and the daily email digest, there are other ways to keep up with what I’m publishing. 
  • Practical Ed Tech Newsletter – This comes out once per week (Sunday night/ Monday morning) and it includes my tip of the week and a summary of the week’s most popular posts from
  • My YouTube Channel – more than 25,000 people subscribe to my YouTube channel for my regular series of tutorial videos including more than 350 Google tools tutorials.  
  • Facebook – The Facebook page has more than 450,000 followers. 
  • Twitter – I’ve been Tweeting away for the last thirteen years at
  • Instagram – this is mostly pictures of my kids, my dogs, my bikes, my skis, and fly fishing.

Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!