500+ Icebreaker Questions

Believe it or not we’re closer to the start of the new school year than we are to the end of the last one. Whether we’re going back into our physical classrooms or staying in an online environment, we’re going to need to get to know our new students and they need to get to know each other. One way to do this is through asking fun icebreaker questions. If you’ve run through all of your common icebreaker questions and want some new ones to try, take a look at Icebreakers.io.

Icebreakers.io offers lists of icebreaker questions. The questions are arranged in categories for small groups, for introverts, for adults, for work, and for fun. Coming soon they’ll have lists specifically for school settings. All of the questions can be viewed individually and copied. You can also download the lists of questions in convenient PDFs.

Applications for Education
I looked through the lists on Icebreakers.io and found plenty that I would feel comfortable posing to students in my classroom, in a Zoom meeting, or in Google Classroom to start a discussion. I’m looking forward to seeing the school questions list that Icebreakers.io is building.


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