Create Online Art Galleries With Wakelet, Padlet, and Google Sites

In last week’s episode of The Practical Ed Tech Podcast I answered a question from a reader who was looking for a way for students to be able to submit examples of their artwork and have them displayed in a public gallery. The suggestion that I made on the podcast was to try using Wakelet or Padlet to gather and display examples. I made a couple of videos to show how both of those services can be used to create online art galleries. Both services let you embed your galleries into Google Sites and other website builders. In the following videos I demonstrate how to use Wakelet and Padlet to create online art galleries.

The advantage of Padlet is that is has more design options than Wakelet does. Padlet also has more content moderation options than Wakelet does. The advantage of Wakelet is that you can make as many collections as you like for free whereas Padlet limits you to three for free.


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