The Week in Review – The Most Popular Posts

Good morning from Nebraska where I’m visiting my good friends Kris and Beth Still. Some of you may recall that Beth and met more than a decade ago when she organized the NECC Newbie Project and chose me to be the “newbie.” Since then our friendship has grown and our families have become friends too. Every fall I come out for a visit. My school’s director is kind enough to let me go (thanks, Paul).

This week all of the presentations for the Practical Ed Tech Creativity Conference were chosen and the final schedule will be out soon. If you haven’t registered for this free event, you can do so right here.

These were the week’s most popular posts:
1. How to Add Audio to Google Slides – Updated
2. More Than 30,000 Historical Maps for Student Projects
3. Fling the Teacher! – A Fun Review Game from Classtools
4. A Classic Geography Tool – Overlap Maps
5. Get Instant Feedback on Your Presentations With Presenter Coach
6. How to Create Image Overlays in Google Earth
7. How to Create a Multimedia Timeline Through Google Sheets

I’ll come to your school in 2020! 
2020 will be my tenth year of speaking at schools and conferences. Send me an email at richardbyrne (at) to learn more about how we can work together.

On-demand PD
On I have seven professional development webinars available to view whenever you like.

Thank You for Your Support!

Other Places to Follow My Work
Besides and the daily email digest, there are other ways to keep up with what I’m publishing. 
  • Practical Ed Tech Newsletter – This comes out once per week (Sunday night/ Monday morning) and includes my tip of the week and a summary of the week’s most popular posts from
  • My YouTube Channel – More than 16,000 are subscribed to my YouTube channel for my regular series of tutorial videos including more than 300 Google tools tutorials. 
  • The Practical Ed Tech Podcast is where I answer questions from readers, share news and notes, and occasionally talk to interesting people in education. 
  • Facebook – The Facebook page has nearly 450,000 followers. 
  • Twitter – I’ve been Tweeting away for the last twelve years at
  • Instagram – this is mostly pictures of my kids, my dogs, my bikes, my skis, and fly fishing. 

Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!