A New Way to Collect Feedback Through Google Sites

Google Sites has always made it easy to insert Google Forms into the pages of your Google Sites websites. Embedding a Google Form into a page can be a good way to gather feedback from students, parents, and other website visitors. This week Google announced that there will soon be another way to collect feedback through Google Sites.

Soon you’ll be able to add a feedback form to the footer of all pages of your Google Sites website. When you add the feedback form it will be distributed across all pages of your site. To add the feedback form you’ll enable it in the site info menu in the Google Sites editor. Viewers of your site will then be able to click a small feedback icon to open a dialogue box that they can enter their messages into.

The new Google Sites feedback tool will be available only in sites created within G Suite domains and not those created with generic Gmail addresses.

If you’re new to using Google Sites, take a look at my tutorial below to learn how to get started.


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