Truth or Lie Comics – A Lesson Plan

Pixton is a service that teachers and students can use to create comic strips by selecting customizable drawings and adding them into comic frames. This enables even those of us who don’t have any drawing skills to make comics that look great. Pixton provides an online classroom in which you can view all of your students’ work and give them assignments. For back-to-school season Pixton has a free activity for teachers and students. That activity is called Truth or Lie.

Truth or Lie is an activity designed as an ice-breaker or familiarization activity for your class. In the activity students create a short comic strip in which they create frames that represent either a truth or a lie. They then share those comics with classmates who have to guess if the comic represents a truth or a lie.

You can create a free Pixton account and log-in by using your G Suite credentials, Microsoft credentials, or by using a standard email address then setting a password.

Disclosure: Pixton is currently an advertiser on this blog.


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