Five Google Product Updates for Teachers to Note

Every month Google pushes updates to all of their products. The ISTE conference is held in June so there were a lot of updates made then that directly impact teachers and students. July was a bit slower in terms of updates that directly impact teachers and students, but there were still some to note. Here are five Google product updates made in July that teachers should note.

Copy Questions from One Form to Another
This is the biggest update impacting teachers. For years teachers have wanted a way to quickly copy questions from one Google Form to another. In July Google finally made that a native feature of Google Forms thereby eliminating the need for a third-party add-on. Watch my video below to see how this new feature works.

Google Photos Stopped Syncing With Google Drive

This was announced months ago, but it was only a couple of weeks ago that Google Photos stopped automatically backing-up to your Google Drive account. You can still do this manually if you want to, but it will no longer happen automatically. I find it mildly annoying that this change was made though there is nothing I can do about it.

Transformation Reports
This is a new service that Google is offering to schools that use G Suite for Education. In short, schools can provide Google with more data about how their students and staff use G Suite products and Google will tell them how they can use G Suite products even more! My cynical take on this update can be read here.

More Header and Footer Options in Google Docs
You can now set different headers and footers for every section of your Google Documents. Previously, you had to have the same ones running throughout a document. Read more about this change here.

Dark Mode in Google Keep
Google Keep is one of the underappreciated tools available to G Suite for Education users. In July Google added a dark mode to Google Keep. Dark mode doesn’t change anything about Google Keep other than the color scheme to make it a bit easier on the eyes.


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