A Time-saving Tip for Testing iPad and Android Apps

As you might expect, I test tons of apps every year. Some of those apps are brand new ones and others are older ones that people suggest that I try. And throughout the year I go back and look at some apps that I’ve previously reviewed to see if they’ve been update or are even still working as well as they once did. When I look at older apps the first thing that I do is look at the version history and “last updated” dates.

When looking at the listing for an iPad app or iPhone app I check the version history before I install it. If it hasn’t been updated in a couple of years, there’s probably a good chance that the app is no longer being actively supported by the developer. Likewise, when I look at the listing for an Android app I check the “last updated” date. Again, if it hasn’t been updated in a couple of years the developer probably isn’t actively supporting. In both cases I won’t install an app that hasn’t been updated in a couple of years.

Where to find the update history for an Android app. 

Where to find the update history for an iOS app. 

Time and Security
Not installing apps that haven’t been updated in a couple of years not only saves you time, it can potentially save the security of your phone or table. Older apps that haven’t been updated in a couple of years are more susceptible to security flaws than those that have been updated on a recent and regular basis.


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