Quick Videos, Google Keep, and Camp – The Week in Review

Good afternoon from Everett, Washington where we’re attending a family wedding. It has been a busy week as I hosted the Practical Ed Tech Summer Camp at the beginning of the week and then we flew across the country with two toddlers in tow. This year’s Practical Ed Tech Summer Camp was, in my opinion, the best one yet! The new venue was great and everyone who cam dove right into trying new things on both days including those people who were attending for the second, third, or fourth time!

Work With Me
There is still lots of summer left and I’m using it to plan some new professional development events and workshops for the fall. If you’re interested in having me come to your school in the fall, please get in touch with me through the form here or by sending me an email at richardbyrne (at) freetech4teachers.com

These were the week’s most popular posts:
1. Ten Handy Google Keep Features for Teachers and Students
2. 300+ Google Tools Tutorial Videos
3. A Free Service That Lets You Print Almost Any Poster
4. How to Use Feedly
5. Quik – Quickly Create Audio Slideshow Videos
6. A Chrome Extension That Shows You the Value of Your Time
7. Common Craft Explains How to Craft Clear Email Communication

Practical Ed Tech Newsletter
Many people ask if they can get a weekly email instead of daily email. That’s exactly what you get with the Practical Ed Tech Newsletter. Once per week I send out my favorite tip of the week along with a summary of the week’s most popular posts from this blog. You can join that newsletter here.

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