Gmail, Name Pickers, and Forms – The Week in Review

Good evening from hot and humid Paris, Maine. The first week of July has been a busy one as I wrapped-up a couple of online courses and worked on some of the final elements for the Practical Ed Tech Summer Camp (there is still time to register). And, as it is now summer, I took my girls to play at the lake a few times too. I hope that those of you who are also in the northern hemisphere are having a great summer too.

These were the week’s most popular posts:
1. 5 Helpful Gmail Features for Teachers
2. Seven Google Product Updates Made in June for Teachers to Note
3. Quillionz – Get Quiz Questions Automatically Generated From Documents
4. My Ten Most Watched How-to Videos
5. Create Your Own Mobile-friendly Random Name Picker
6. Google Forms Now Has a Native Function to Import Questions from Other Forms
7. How to Quickly Copy Questions Between Google Forms

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