5 Good Chrome Extensions for Teachers and Students

Now that I’ve run through my five favorite add-ons for Google Docs, Sheets, Forms, and Slides it’s time to share my favorite Chrome extensions for teachers and students. Like my other lists, this list is comprised of my go-to recommendations not necessarily the most popular extensions.

Share to Classroom is a Chrome extension that makes it easy to quickly push a webpage to your students. You can use Share to Classroom to push the page just for your students to read or you can use the extension to create an assignment or discussion question.

Loom is a Chrome extension that you can use to create screencast videos. There are lots of other extensions that do the same thing. What I like about Loom is that you can use it to create and send a screencast directly from your Gmail inbox. Watch this video to see how it’s done.

ReCall Study Time is a Chrome extension for limiting the amount of time you spend on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and Instagram. When you have ReCall Study Time enabled you will see a huge reminder to get back to work if you try to open one of those five social media sites. Learn more about ReCall Study Time and two similar extensions by watching this video.

The Google Keep Chrome extension that makes it easy to save bookmarks and notes to your Google Keep account. You can then access your notes and bookmarks at Keep.Google.com or view them through Google Docs. If you’re already using G Suite for Education, Google Keep is a convenient place to save your bookmarks and notes.

Audio Player for Google Slides answers the question, “how do I add music to Google Slides?” With Audio Player for Google Slides installed you can not only add music to play continuously in the background of a presentation you can also use it to record audio in your Google Slides.

In the following video I demonstrate how to install, disable, and remove extensions from your Chrome web browser.


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