I Don’t Like Vegetables – A Free Book About Eating Vegetables

One of my favorite parts of the BETT Show is the section called BETT Futures. BETT Futures is comprised of small stands of small start-ups. It’s in that section that I have found many neat products over the years. Today, I found a small stand owned by a woman named Debbie Coggan who was featuring her book I Don’t Like Vegetables. Her book is available as a free ebook on Apple Books. You can also purchase copies of it directly from her website or from Amazon

I Don’t Like Vegetables is a beautifully-illustrated book that features the “Vegetable Pack.” The Vegetable Pack includes characters like Tommy-Mateo, Hugh-Cumber, and the duo of Brock n’ Ollie. These characters provide a fun introduction to where vitamins come from and the benefits of eating vegetables. 
If you have a Mac, iPad, or iPhone download the book for free via iTunes and if you like it, you can support an independent author with a great mission by purchasing a printed copy of the book. I’m purchasing a copy for my toddlers. 

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