Learning About Microsoft’s Tools for Inclusive Classrooms

Yesterday Mike Tholfsen Tweeted about Microsoft’s Teacher Training Packs. Teacher Training Packs are collections of resources that are designed to help IT administrators, technology specialists, and curriculum directors lead professional development workshops centered around various Microsoft tools (most of which are completely free for educators).

There are three categories of Teacher Training Packs. Those categories are Inclusive Classrooms, 21st Century Classrooms with Microsoft Teams, and Unlock Office 365 for the Classroom. Within each category you will find three to five packs that you can use to lead professional development. Each pack provides a detailed plan for leading a professional development workshop, slides, activities, and to-do lists. At the end of your workshop participants can take a quiz to show understanding of the new tools and materials.

One of the Teacher Training Packs that grabbed my attention was Literacy Tools for the Inclusive Classroom. This Teacher Training Pack introduces workshop participants to the Immersive Reader and Dictate tools. The session is more than just “how to” as it is focused on leading discussions around how these tools can help students access documents and slides. If you’re not familiar with any of Microsoft’s accessibility tools, take a look at this short video that I created about Immersive Reader.


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