A Couple of Thoughts About Flipgrid Stickers

A couple of weeks ago I was at a conference to present on the topic of formative assessment. Flipgrid was one of the tools that I mentioned in my presentation. After my presentation a nice woman asked me for my thoughts about the stickers and drawings that kids can add to their Flipgrid videos. She found them to be a distraction for her students. She’s not alone in that experience. I’ve talked to many other teachers who felt the same way.

If you find the stickers and drawings in Flipgrid to be a distraction for your students consider only enabling the stickers and drawings as a reward for your students. The stickers and drawings are also useful for obscuring objects and faces in videos. Watch my two minute video to learn more about disabling stickers and drawings in Flipgrid.

And if you have never tried Flipgrid, this video will get you started.


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