Need Blog Post Ideas? Edublogs Has You Covered

For many people the biggest challenge in maintaining a blog has nothing to do with the technical aspects. It’s coming up with ideas for blog posts that often proves to be the biggest challenge to keeping a blog going. This is true whether you’re running a blog for a classroom, as a hobby, or for  business. If you’re trying to keep your students blogging, Edublogs has a new list of fifty blog post ideas for students.

Saying that the list has 50 prompts is a bit misleading, but misleading in a good way. Buried within the list of prompts are links to additional sources of writing prompts including this New York Times list of more than 1,000 writing prompts. In the Edublogs list you’ll also find a link to one of my favorite blogging challenges of the last few years, the 100 Word Challenge

Between the 50 prompts that Edublogs provides and the additional links, you should have plenty of things for your students to blog about for the rest of the year. Click here to view Edublogs’ 50 new Blog Post Ideas for Students. You can even download the list as a PDF right here


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