How to Use Guest Mode in Flipgrid

A few weeks ago Flipgrid added a new feature called Guest Mode. Guest Mode allows you to give parents access to view a specific topic within a Flipgrid grid. Guest Mode also provides the option for parents to record a video to be added to a specific topic within a Flipgrid grid. Watch my following video to learn how to access Guest Mode in Flipgrid.

Applications for Education
Flipgrid’s Guest Mode only grants access to specific topics within a grid, not all topics. As demonstrated in my video, you can revoke guest access at any time. And you can moderate guest submissions.

Guest Mode could be great for getting parents involved in a classroom discussion. I can envision guest mode being great for asking parents to share short local history stories. It could also be a great way for parents to share encouraging messages with the class before a big test, game, or concert.


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