ytCropper – Share a Section of a YouTube Video

This week I answered an email from someone who had read my article 10 Tools for Teaching With YouTube Videos and wanted to know if there was a tool for sharing just a portion of a YouTube video. I used to recommend TubeChop but while that tool is still online it doesn’t consistently work as it should. Now I recommend trying ytCropper.

ytCropper lets you share just a portion of a YouTube video by specifying the start time and end time of the video that you want others to see. To do this simply go to the ytCropper site then paste in the URL of the YouTube video that you want to share. Once you have done that you can specify the start and end time of the portion of the video that you want people to watch. ytCropper will generate a link to the cropped version of the video. Share that link to have people watch your specified portion of the video.

Applications for Education
ytCropper could be a good tool to use if you want your students to watch just a section of a video. However, if you want them to watch a section and then answer questions about that section, then tools like Play Posit and EDpuzzle are a better choice.


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