How to Create Personalized Certificates in Bulk Through Google Sheets

Creating a certificate for one or a few students is a fairly straight forward process. You can use Google Slides, Canva, or any number of Word templates for that. However, that can get time-consuming when you need to create certificates for a long list of students like the school secretary that I helped earlier this week had to do. That’s when you know it’s time to try using the Google Sheets add-on called autoCrat to create personalized certificates for a long list of students.

In the following video I demonstrate how to use Google Sheets in conjunction with Google Slides to create personalized certificates in bulk.

In the video I used the example of creating personalized certificates that displayed only the students’ first names. To create certificates that have students’ first and last names you will simply need to put first and last names into a column in your spreadsheet then use conditional tags in your slide to match. For example, in the certificate I’d put the conditional tag <<name>> and in the spreadsheet I’d put a column titled “name” and then in that column I’d list students’ first and last names.

Watch this video to learn how to automatically send certificates to students when they pass a quiz in Google Forms.


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