Share Math Playground Activities to Google Classroom

Math Playground offers hundreds of free math games and interactive modules for elementary school students. I’m not sure if this is old news or not, but this morning I was looking at some of the games and noticed that you can share the games directly to Google Classroom.

To share a Math Playground activity to Google Classroom simply open a game then click the Google Classroom icon that appears below the game. Math Playground will launch a pop-up window (make sure you have your browser set to allow pop-ups) in which you can select the Google Classroom class to which to send the game. In the same pop-up you will be able to choose to make the game an assignment, an announcement, or a material in your class’ “classwork” section.

Applications for Education
If I was teaching elementary school I would consider following Tony Vincent’s suggestion of adding a section in Classwork for “things to do with extra time” and adding some of the Math Playground activities to it. For more information about that idea, take a look at Tony’s recent Tweet that includes a visual aid.


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