Other Places to Follow My Work

This week I received two emails that reminded me that it is probably time to let new readers know about some of the other places and other ways to follow my work. Here are all of the places where you can follow my work.

Practical Ed Tech Newsletter – I send this out on Sunday evenings. It includes my favorite tip of the week and a short list of the most popular posts of the week from FreeTech4Teachers.com. You can subscribe right here. You can also visit PracticalEdTech.com

Twitter – I post on Twitter about twelve times a day. And I do try to reply to all mentions. You can find me at twitter.com/rmbyrne

YouTube – Every week I post three to five new tutorial videos on my YouTube channel.

Pinterest – My blog posts are pinned to this page.

Facebook – The Free Technology for Teachers Facebook page has more than 445k followers.

Instagram – Follow this if you want to see pictures of my dogs, my outdoor activities, or my cute kids. Instagram.com/rmbyrne

Daily email – I do offer a daily email from FreeTech4Teachers.com. This is an automated email that delivers the day’s blog posts to your inbox. You can sign-up for that here.


Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!