Chronicling America – An Archive of 2,600+ Digitized Newspapers

Chronicling America is a great resource provided by the Library of Congress. On Chronicling America you can find more than 2,600 digitized copies of newspapers printed in the United States between 1789 and 1963. You can search through the collection according to date, state in which the newspaper was published, and keyword.

All of the digitized newspapers in the Chronicling America collection can be viewed online, downloaded as PDFs, or printed. When viewing the digitized newspapers online you can zoom-in to read and view the details of each page. Chronicling America provides a clipping tool that you can use while viewing a newspaper to clip and print an enlarged section of a page. That could be useful for distributing printed copies of columns to your students to read in your classroom.

Applications for Education
On Friday and again this morning I spent some time browsing through the collection of Maine newspapers in the Chronicling America collection. I got sucked into reading first-hand reports from the Civil War that were published in The Portland Daily Press beginning in 1862. It is the first-hand stories published in those papers that could make a Chronicling America a valuable resource for teachers of U.S. History and their students.


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