Two New Google Classroom Features Available to Everyone

Back in June Google announced that Google Classroom would be getting a bit of redesign along with some helpful new features. Initially, the new design and features were only available to some users. Earlier today Google announced that those features are now available to all Google Classroom users.

Google Classroom now has a section called “classwork.” The Classwork section is where you’ll now place assignments and reference resources for your students. In the Classwork section you can organize materials according to unit of study or topic instead of just organizing materials by date. A header of Classwork will now appear at the top of your Google Classroom page.

Comment Bank
Are you tired of writing the same comments over and over again? If so, you’ll want to take advantage of the new Comment Bank option available when you’re grading assignments submitted through Google Classroom.

Get to know these new features and more in Google’s new First Day of Classroom resources page.


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