The Return of My Favorite Forms Add-ons – And One That Never Left

On Saturday morning I shared my delight in discovering that the CheckItOut Google Forms add-on is working again. That’s not the only one of my favorite Forms add-ons to recently start working again, just in time for the new school year. Choice Eliminator, Form Recycler, and FormLimiter are also working again. Keep reading to learn more about each of these Google Forms add-ons.

Choice Eliminator is a Google Forms Add-on that lets you create a Form on which choices disappear after they have been used. For example, if I create a Google Form that has ten meeting times listed on it, once a meeting time has been selected it will disappear from the options available to subsequent visitors. Using Choice Eliminator is a good option for teachers who have personal Google Accounts, but don’t have G Suite for Education accounts. Of course, it works well if you do have a G Suite for Education account. There are two versions of Choice Eliminator. The “lite” version is recommended for Forms that will be shared with a limited audience. The “2” version is recommended for use with larger audiences.

formRecycler is a free Google Forms Add-on that makes it easy to reuse questions from one Google Form into another form. When you have the formRecycler Add-on installed you can access all of your existing Google Forms and then pick questions from one of those existing Forms to use in a new form. You can use formRecycler multiple times on the same form and thereby include questions from multiple existing forms in your new form.

FormLimiter allows you to set a time for a form to automatically stop accepting responses. You can also use FormLimiter to set a limit on number of responses a form will accept. Watch my video to learn how to enable and set limits on Google Forms.

If you missed my post on Saturday, here’s a video about the CheckItOut Google Forms Add-on.

An add-on that I started using in January and absolutely love is Certify’em. You can use this add-on to automatically issue certificates to students when they successfully pass a quiz.


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