Why I Created “From Blog to Job”

A couple of weeks ago I released an on-demand course called From Blog to Job – A Teacherpreneur Jumpstart. I’d like to tell you a little bit about why I created the course.

A little over ten years ago I was where a lot of teachers find themselves. I loved my job, but I didn’t love that it was struggle to make ends meet. So I started to look for some ways that I could earn a little money through my blog. I had read about people making money by placing advertising on their blogs and thought to myself, “that sounds easy enough.” I was wrong. It wasn’t easy but I put in the time and effort to learn how to do it and after a few months I did start to make some money through my blog and a few years later my blog provided the equivalent of my teaching salary while I was still in the classroom.

This course is for those of you who might be where I was ten years ago. You’re hungry and you are ready to work to turn your blog into a source of income for you. This course doesn’t offer a get-rich-quick system, it’s not a “get 100,000 followers” system. It’s a course that walks you through the process of building a blog into an income stream. In the course I share what I’ve learned through a decade of earning money through blogging. I’ll also share the mistakes I’ve made along the way so that you can learn from my example. So if you’re ready to get started on building your business today, click here to get started this weekend

Here’s a rundown of the lessons in the course:

  • Lesson 1 – The Big Concepts 
  • Lesson 2 – Planning to Help Others
  • Lesson 3 – The Big Blog Action Plan 
  • Lesson 4 – Content Creation & Distribution 
  • Lesson 5 – Monetization With Advertising & Affiliates 
  • Lesson 5a – Advertising FAQs 
  • Lesson 6 – Product and Service Sales 
  • Lesson 7 – Getting Gigs 
  • Lesson 8 – Stuff No One Tells You 
  • Lesson 9 – Putting It All Together

Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!