The Ten Individual Author Blogs That I Read First

Earlier this week someone taking my From Blog to Job on-demand course asked me if I still use Feedly to subscribe to blogs and which blogs I read first.

Yes, I still use Feedly to subscribe to blogs because I find it to be the easiest way to scroll through the latest entries from my favorite blogs. Feedly works equally well on my Windows laptop, on my Android phone, and on my iPad. If you’ve never tried Feedly, I have a video overview here.

Here are the individual author blogs that I read first in my Feedly account:
1. Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day
2. Engage Their Minds – Terri Eichholz
3. Cool Cat Teacher – Vicki Davis
4. The Whiteboard Blog – Danny Nicholson
5. History Tech – Glenn Wiebe
6. Maps Mania – Keir Clarke
7. CogDogBlog – Alan Levine
8. Hack Education – Audrey Watters
9. Stager-to-go – Gary Stager
10. Technology Tidbits – David Kapuler


Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!