The Library of Congress Seeks a Teacher-in-Residence

The Library of Congress has a great opportunity for a performing arts or visual arts teacher in the 2018-19 school year. The LOC is seeking a performing arts or visual arts teacher to be a teacher-in-residence at the LOC in Washington, DC. The selected teacher will be able to do some or all of the following: lead professional development workshops, conduct original research, developed teaching materials, lead and support projects to reach a diverse audience of educators. Complete details and the application can be found here.

This sounds like a great opportunity for a teacher who meets the requirements and can spend the school year in Washington, DC. According to the application page, the LOC will reimburse your school district for your salary and benefits for the year (meaning, you’ll get your same salary throughout the year) and will provide a housing stipend if you are from outside of the Washington, DC area.

Applications are due by April 9th. The application requires two letters of reference, three essays, and a project plan. So if this is something you’re interested in, get started ASAP.


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