NoteStreaming 101 – What You Need To Know To Get Started

Earlier today on Twitter I posted a question about notebooks. Specifically, I wanted to know who still uses physical notebooks and, if so, if there is a preference for lined or unlined paper. By the way, I use a notebook with unlined paper and I draw with a Uniball Signo 207.

One of the many responses to my Tweet came from Dr. Tom Grissom. I’ve followed Tom’s work for almost as long as I’ve been writing this blog. He replied with a link to his video in which he introduces viewers to the concepts of notestreaming. In the video he demonstrates how he uses OneNote, Microsoft Forms, and OBS Recorder to create notestreams. It’s a great concept that, when applied correctly, could be very helpful in providing students with video content to supplement course instruction. Watch Tom’s video as embedded below or jump to his OneNote notebook of resources which includes this introductory video.


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