How to Add Voice Comments to PDFs and Word Documents

People who subscribe to the weekly Practical Ed Tech newsletter got this tip yesterday. But this is too good not to share with everyone. Kaizena, originally just a tool for voice commenting on Google Docs, can also be used to add voice comments to PDFs and Word documents. The process of using Kaizena for voice commenting on PDFs and Word documents isn’t quite as streamlined as it is for Google Docs, but it’s still fairly easy to do. Watch my video that is embedded below to learn how to add voice comments to PDFs and Word documents.

Applications for Education
Adding voice comments to your students’ documents can be an efficient way to give them feedback on their work. Voice commenting allows you to give full, customized explanations to your students. It also helps to have students literally hear the comments in your voice as opposed to trying to interpret the tone of your written comment.


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