Check Out My Redesigned G Suite for Teachers Course

Back in January I released my popular Getting Going With G Suite course in an on-demand version that I called G Suite for Teachers. Dozens of people have taken the course in the last two months. Based on the feedback that I have received, I recently made a couple of updates to the course.

The biggest update to my G Suite for Teachers course is that it is now truly self-paced. When I launched the course, I delivered the lessons in scheduled twice-weekly emails. Now when you register for the course you’re given an account on which you can use to access all ten lessons immediately. You can complete the lessons on the schedule that works for you. Your access to the lessons never expires.

The other update that I made to the course is in the handling of professional development certificates. Previously, you had to email me with a request for the certificate. Now when you get to the end of the course there is a short assessment to complete. When you successfully complete that assessment a certificate for five professional development hours is immediately delivered to your inbox.

To mark the release of the updated version of G Suite for Teachers I have put the course on sale for the rest of the week. Click here to get started today.

Click here to register today. 
Whenever I advertise one of my courses here on people ask why I advertise the courses if they’re not free. The short answer is that while the tools featured within the courses are free, my time for teaching is not free. There is also a lot of cost involved in hosting and managing organizing access to the courses. Finally, the sales of these courses helps to keep running. 

Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!