Twitter Moments – One Storify Alternative

Earlier this week someone emailed me looking for an alternative to Storify which is shutting down and no longer accepting submissions.  Moving forward, one way to create collections of Tweets about a topic is to use Twitter’s Moments feature. I have a video about how to create Twitter Moments.

In May Storify will be removing all content. You can download your content as HTML until then.  Alan Levine has developed a tool for extracting embedded Storify links. He’s also published an extensive blog post on what to do with your Storify content (warning, there is a lot of coding talk in the post). 

Applications for Education
Creating Twitter Moments could be a good way to organize a collection of Tweets about an event at your school. Another way to use Twitter Moments is to create a collection of Tweets about a current events topic that your students are studying.


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