Free Timer Templates for PowerPoint Presentations

Over the years I have featured a lot of free countdown timers that you can use in your classroom. At the beginning of the 2017-18 school year I published this list of recommended countdown timers. Here’s one more option to consider, using a timer in a PowerPoint slide.

Microsoft offers a couple of timer templates that you can use in your PowerPoint presentations. You can find those templates in this template gallery (use Control+F to search the gallery). You can use the default timer settings in the slides or you can modify them.

Applications for Education
Putting a timer on a slide can help you create a sense of urgency to complete an activity. Using a timer is also a great way to keep a break from running too long.

When I give conference presentations I usually include short breaks for teachers to talk to each other. Using a timer always helps me refocus the audience after those conversation breaks.


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