As you may know, I addition to this blog I maintain where I host professional development courses for teachers. That site had tremendous growth in 2017 so I have had to make some changes to the back end in order to make sure that it can be helpful to as many visitors as possible.
Better email management
Last fall I made a switch to a better email management service. That change happened rather seamlessly for those who subscribe to the Practical Ed Tech Newsletter.
Better on-demand offerings
For years I offered courses that consisted of a series of live webinars. Those were great for the folks who could attend. But I had many people who would have rather done the courses at different times. That’s why made my most popular courses, Teaching History With Technology and G Suite for Teachers available in on-demand, self-paced formats.
New design
The third update to Practical Ed Tech is underway. It’s a change to the design to make it faster and more responsive. This change is a work in progress. It will hopefully be done by the time the Patriots kick-off on Sunday afternoon. In the meantime if you visit the site you may notice some design elements are a bit out of whack. All of the content is there and working, it’s just the color schemes and layouts that are bit whacky right now.
Construction sale
While Practical Ed Tech is being remodeled, I’m offering a discount on my on-demand courses Teaching History With Technology and G Suite for Teachers. Use the code “construction” during registration to get either course for $75 instead of the regular $97. This code will be good until Sunday night (January 21st). Register and you can start your first lesson today!