Take a Look at the Remodeled Padlet Apps

Padlet has long been one of the staples in my cabinet of ed tech tools. One of the reasons for that distinction is that the Padlet team is constantly working to keep their products updated and useful to as many teachers as possible. To that end, Padlet recently revamped their web tools and their mobile apps.

The updated version of the Padlet website and the Padlet mobile apps provides a cleaner, more streamlined user interface. Now when you sign into your Padlet account either on their website or on their mobile apps you will see your existing Padlet walls displayed in a tile format. Above those tiles you’ll see three clean icons to make a new Padlet wall, to join a wall, or to browse a gallery of public Padlet walls.

Applications for Education
The updated Padlet mobile apps should make it easier for you to get all of your students on to the same Padlet wall at the same time. The “join” icon is more prominent than before. When students tap that icon they’ll see an option to scan a QR code or to enter a URL. The easiest option is to scan a QR code (just make sure that you have printed and displayed the right QR code for them).

About six weeks ago Padlet added a new option to let students vote on notes on Padlet walls. Watch my video to learn how to use that new feature.


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