Google Sites Now Supports HTML & Javascript Embed Codes

One my biggest complaints about Google Sites has always been that it doesn’t accept third party embed codes. This means that you couldn’t embed videos from great websites like Next Vista for Learning, embed Tweets, or embed any interactive elements like a Padlet wall. That will soon change. Google has announced that beginning in January all users should be able to embed HTML and Javascript from third parties into your Google Sites. Some domains may already see the feature.

Applications for Education
In many of my workshops about G Suite for Education I talk about the possibility of using Google Sites as a digital portfolio platform. The one drawback to that has always been that you could only link to a student’s projects, you couldn’t embed them. Starting in January Google Sites will become a better tool for creating digital portfolios.

Speaking of digital portfolios, that will be one of the first topics covered in the 2018 Practical Ed Tech Coaching Group. Learn more about group membership here.


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