Create Your School Newspaper With Lucidpress

Lucidpress is a collaborative writing and publishing service that blends great collaboration tools with excellent design templates. That’s why this morning I recommended it to a reader who was looking for a free tool to use to create and publish her school’s newspaper.

Through Lucidpress you and your students can collaboratively create documents that incorporate videos and images.

Creating a document on Lucidpress can be as simple or as complicated as you want to make it. To get started you might stick with the basics of moving text and pictures around on the document by just dragging and dropping. There are options for layering images with differing amounts of transparency, image cropping tools, and font customization options in each Lucidpress template. As mentioned above, you can also add videos into your projects (obviously they only play when viewed online).

Lucidpress has a Google Classroom integration that makes it easy to have all of your students start using the Lucidpress platform. Watch the video below to learn more about that feature.


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