BandBlast – A Fun App for Learning to Play Music

BandBlast is a free app designed to help students learn to play music. There are many ways that students can use the BandBlast app. Whichever way that students end up using the app, they all have to start by selecting an instrument that they wish to play either virtually or physically. Students who want to play more than one instrument can create additional profiles within the app.

After creating a profile and choosing the instruments that they want to play, students can then play a game, record themselves playing an instrument along with a virtual band, watch videos about their chosen instruments, or embark on a music “mission.”

BandBlast games are intended to help students develop rhythm and pitch skills. Rhythm games are played within the app by tapping on a tablet’s screen. Pitch games are played by students playing physical instruments in response to the prompts in the app.

The recording section in BandBlast is where students can play their instruments along with the virtual band that plays on their iPads or Android tablets. There are about two dozen songs that students can choose from in BandBlast.

The “missions” in BandBlast are essentially small units of study for students to complete. Within each mission students will find two or three instructional videos, a couple of games, and recording activities.


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