5-Day Teacher Challenge

The 5-Day Teacher Challenge from Rushton Hurley, founder of Next Vista for Learning, is just wrapping up. The idea behind this challenge is to help teachers improve what they do with simple ideas, all while having some fun in the process. While this is the last day of the official challenge, there is no reason you can’t work one or more of these challenges into your weekly routine.

Here are examples of some of the challenges:

  • Select one of your challenging students and make a call to their home to report something good they have done. Keep it 100% positive. 
  • Select an activity you are planning and give students the option to propose an alternative approach for them to demonstrate their mastery of the content. 
  • Go for an entire day without raising your voice to improve how you communicate to optimize learning conditions in your classroom. 
  • Find a teacher in your school and plan a team-teaching activity. 
  • Find someone who helps make the school work well like a secretary, custodian, bus driver, or cafeteria worker and find a way to celebrate them. 

Students Evaluating Student WorkShowing Learning at a Higher Level Through Vocabulary, Collecting Students’ Insights, and a Student with Autism Explains Autism are some Rushton’s guest posts.


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