YouTube Management Options for Schools

YouTube can be a great source of educational videos to share with your students. I recently read a blog post in which Chris Brogan claimed that his kids go to YouTube to search before they go to Google. The chances are good that you have students who do the same. But for all of the good that can be found on YouTube there is an equal amount of distracting and or inappropriate content that schools want to filter out of search results. One solution is to block YouTube entirely. A better solution is to manage YouTube settings on your network.

G Suite administrators can apply the following settings for signed-in users.

  • Strict Restricted YouTube access. 
  • Moderate Restricted YouTube access. 
  • Unrestricted YouTube access.
Administrators can also apply filtering settings for users who aren’t signed into G Suite. This can be done on your network and or on managed devices. More information is available here
Once you have found a video that you want to show in your classroom, consider using one of these five methods to avoid showing “related” content next to the video. 

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