Google Earth for iPad Now Equal to Android Version

Back in April Google introduced a completely new version of Google Earth for Android and for use in your web browser. This week that new version finally arrived for iPhone and iPad users.

Like the Android version of Google Earth, the iOS version features a “voyager” mode for taking virtual tours of places around the world. The iOS version of Google Earth now includes “knowledge cards” that pop-up when you search or browse a location. Knowledge Cards include a small slideshow of images of location and some text about a location. And if you just want to lucky dip around the world, you can choose “I’m feeling lucky” and have Google Earth for iOS take you to a randomly selected location where you’ll find Knowledge Cards to view.

Applications for Education
Google Earth for iOS still isn’t up to the level of Google Earth for your desktop, but it is still a nice tool to use in social studies classrooms. Consider using the “I’m feeling lucky” option as a way to have students select places to research in more depth.


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