Practical Ed Tech Live – Episode 6 Recording

Yesterday afternoon I hosted the sixth episode of Practical Ed Tech Live on YouTube and Facebook. Thanks to everyone who submitted questions and to everyone who attended the live session. If you missed it, the recording of the broadcast is embedded below. The text of most of the questions that I answered are copied below the video.

1. A colleague asked about curriculum mapping software,suggesting “Atlas” but that is pricey. Do you know of, or could you recommend anything free or inexpensive…even an app would be good.

2. I read about DropItToMe closing down. Do you have any alternatives that you can recommend?

3. I guess I don’t understand the big deal about Google Classroom. Can you explain why I would want to use that instead of just posting things on my Google Site like I have for years?

4. This summer I am changing school districts. I have a ton of stuff in my current Google Apps account that I want to be able to move to my new district. Other than just sharing with myself, can you think of a better way to move things?

5. Can you do a post comparing digital portfolio tools? I’m trying to find the best one. I’d like to pick something that I can use for a few years.

6. Do you know if there is a way to add audio to Google Slides?


Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!