Earlier today I hosted the fifth episode of Practical Ed Tech Live. Thank you to all who submitted questions in advance to those who joined in during the live broadcast. I’ll be hosting another episode next week at 3:30pm EDT on Thursday, May 18th. If you missed today’s episode, the recording is embedded below. The text of the questions that I answered are copied below the embedded below.
Questions answered in the show:
What’s your email address?
I’ve been following you for a while. I watched for the webinar you did with Greg Kulowiec about virtual reality. I’m still a little confused about the difference between virtual reality and augmented reality. Do you have anything I can read about the differences?
I am going to be a technology coach in our small district next year (I just found out last week). I’ve been following your blog for years. Do you have any tips for new technology coaches?
I was looking at your list of ten ways to use Google Earth in the classroom and I want to try layering old maps onto Google Earth. Do you have recommendations for places to find old maps?
Will Vizia.co work in Google Classroom?
I’m trying to join a Google Classroom with a code that a colleague gave me so that we could learn Classroom together. The code she sent me keeps saying “invalid” no matter how many times she resets it. Do you have any idea why this might be happening?