Good morning from Maine where there is a light coat of snow on the ground with more snow in the forecast for this afternoon. I love this time of year in Maine! Earlier this week I was in Atlanta for three days for the Georgia Educational Technology Conference where there was no threat of snow as it was a good 50 degrees warmer than it was at my home in Maine. GaETC was a great event. Thank you to everyone who came to one or more of presentations. And a special thank you to Clint, Todd, Steve, Ashley, and Carrie who took me to experience Atlanta culture away from the conference center.
Here are this week’s most popular posts:
1. Literature Map Helps You Find Authors You’ll Like
2. How JoeZoo Express Can Save You Tons of Time Grading in Google Documents
3. 5 Tools Students Can Use to Create Music Online
4. Student Stories – ClassDojo Portfolios on Chromebooks, Desktops, and Mobile Devices
5. Three Good Tools for Collaboratively Creating Multimedia Books
6. Projeqt – Create Dynamic Presentations
7. Create MadLibs Through Google Sheets
My Simpleshow provides a great way to create explainer videos.