Quick Key is a powerful and popular grading tool developed by a teacher for teachers. The service utilizes the camera on your Android phone or iPhone to help you quickly grade a series of quizzes. When it initially launched a few years ago Quick Key only worked for multiple choice or true/false questions and was only available on iPhones. While it was then a great time-saver for some teachers it has since increased in capability and availability. Here’s a rundown of Quick Key’s features that can save you time when scoring formative assessments.
1. Create course rosters by importing students from your Google Classroom account.
Quick Key: Sync Rosters with Google Classroom from Quick Key on Vimeo.
2. Use answer sheets that are pre-populated with student ID numbers. Doing this ensures that you won’t have students enter incorrect IDs and saves students time when they are completing an answer sheet.
Pre Filled Quick Tickets Demo from Quick Key on Vimeo.
3. Add scores for open-response questions. Quick Key is great for multiple choice and true/ false, but you can also score fill-in-the-blank and open-response questions. To do this have your students complete the multiple choice section of your quiz on a Quick Key sheet. Then have them complete the fill-in-the-blank or open response questions. When you scan students’ answer sheets Quick Key creates a spreadsheet of scores for you. To that spreadsheet you can add your own point values for open-response questions. So while Quick Key won’t score your open-response questions for you, it does create a convenient way to tally total quiz scores in one place.
4. Distribute quizzes digitally for students to take on their laptops, phones, or tablets. Quick Key’s 1-to-1 option lets you have your students take quizzes online and lets you grade them online. The great thing about Quick Key 1-to-1 is that it’s not an all-or-nothing situation for you. You can use the same quizzes and answer keys for online quizzes as you do for printed quizzes that students complete on printed Quick Key answer sheets. So if you have some students that would prefer a paper option to a digital option, Quick Key can accommodate both options on the same quiz.
Quick Key 1-to-1 Tutorial from Quick Key on Vimeo.
5. Keep better records of how your students are doing on a particular standard with Quick Key. You can add standards tags to every quiz that you create in Quick Key. You can apply standards tags for an entire quiz or you can apply standards tags to individual questions within a quiz. After you have scored a quiz you will be able to quickly identify how your students did on the questions directly related to a particular standard.
Standards Tracking and Question Tagging with Quick Key: Tutorial from Quick Key on Vimeo.
Disclosure: Quick Key is currently an advertiser on FreeTech4Teachers.com